Phototherapy at Home

Treatment for jaundice is very easy and safe. It all happens using blue light from a special blanket that you wrap your baby in.

Phototherapy is very safe and reasonably comfortable. It will not harm your baby and is painless.


The videos on the following pages will introduce you to the way that phototherapy at home works.

Congratulations and welcome to your new baby. It’s an exciting time, with plenty of fun and challenges ahead, including learning to feed and sleep, as well as learning to manage common conditions, such as jaundice.

Jaundice is very common in newborns, so it’s nothing to be too worried about. Most of the time, it gets better by itself, and doesn’t need any treatment, but there are times when babies need a bit of help. 

We’ll let you know if treatment is needed for your baby. If it is, then the treatment for jaundice is pretty easy and straightforward. Essentially, jaundice is treated with what’s called phototherapy, and the good news is that you can stay at home with your baby while having the treatment.

The videos on these pages will tell you more about jaundice in newborns help you feel confident about caring for your baby during phototherapy treatment at home. 


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