Managing women at high inherited risk of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cause of cancer-related death in Australian women. It carries a poor prognosis with survival rates at about 44% at 5 years after diagnosis.
There is currently no effective screening strategy for ovarian cancer. The only intervention proven to significantly reduce mortality due to ovarian cancer in women at high inherited risk of ovarian cancer (high-risk women) is risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (RRBSO).
- Managing Women at High Risk of Ovarian Cancer; an information resource for health professionals can be downloaded here and from the Gynaeoncology Service web page.
- Considering surgery to reduce your risk of ovarian cancer? Women at high inherited risk of ovarian cancer can read more about RRBSO in the booklet, which can be downloaded here and from the Ovarian cancer consumer health information web page.
LogOn - postgraduate education and staff development meetings
LogOn is a monthly schedule of postgraduate education and staff development meetings, journal clubs, seminars and lectures.
Meet a Scientist - Women making a difference at the Women’s
Celebrating the International Day of Women & Girls in Science

Over the last few years, the Women’s has invited teachers of secondary school science to bring girls with a keen interest in science to meet four of our top young women researchers on International Women's Day. The researchers share their stories of how they became a scientist and now make groundbreaking discoveries to improve the health and wellbeing of women and babies. We hope the experience helps build understanding of how a career in science can be applied in a hospital setting to make a dramatic difference to people’s lives.
Starting conversations about female circumcision

Helping health professionals to start conversations about female genital cutting/female circumcision
Female circumcision, also known as female genital cutting or female genital mutilation, is the practice of partially cutting or totally removing the external female genitalia as part of a cultural practice.
‘Starting conversations about female circumcision’ is an animated video produced by cohealth which aims to enhance service provision through improving the knowledge of female circumcision (and related health impacts) and supporting health professionals to communicate with their clients about female circumcision. View the video on the cohealth YouTube channel.
The Women's Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Medicines Guide
The Women's Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Medicines Guide (PBMG) is a quick reference guide for healthcare professionals that provides practical and unbiased specialised information on medicine use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The PBMG website can be accessed on any internet enabled device, but the medicines information can only be viewed by subscribers or staff onsite at the Women's. Health professionals can register to the site and purchase an annual subscription.
HealthPathways Melbourne
HealthPathways Melbourne is a website with relevant and evidence based information on the assessment and management of common clinical conditions, including referral guidance. HealthPathways Melbourne is developed by GPs, for general practice with input from specialists and other health professionals. The website can also be used by other registered health professionals acting within their scope of practice.
If you are a health professional, you can access the password-protected HealthPathways Melbourne site by filling in this HealthPathways Melbourne form.