
We are here to listen to your feedback, both positive and negative.

Email Consumer Liaison

We aim to provide our patients with the best possible care at all times. We also welcome your feedback. This helps us continually improve our services by letting us know what works well and what might need to change, to improve the quality and safety of care provided at the Women’s.

We welcome positive feedback, so we that we can share this information with our dedicated hospital staff and let them know how much patients appreciate their work.

If a problem arises, tell the hospital staff. Problems are best resolved at the time and usually matters can be resolved immediately. If not, and you would like further assistance, you, your partner or your support person can contact Consumer Liaison on the Ground Floor, in the social work office (ask for us at the information desk near the front door).

Consumer Liaison staff are available to all public and private patients attending the hospital. We are here to listen to your feedback and discuss any complaints or concerns you might have, no matter how big or small. We can offer you support by confidentially discussing any of your concerns, investigating these on your behalf and helping you resolve a problem.

Consumer Liaison can be contacted via phone, email or mail. Find out more about the process of making a complaint.

You may choose to contact Consumer Liaison while you are in hospital or when you go home. If you require an interpreter, please contact our interpreters.

If you have tried to resolve your complaint with us, but are not satisfied, you can contact an independent agency, The Health Complaints Commissioner.

The Women's cares for the wellbeing of our staff and patients.

Please be respectful towards our staff. Abusive behaviour, violence or threats of violence over the phone or in person are unacceptable.

If our staff feel they are being treated in an aggressive manner they have the authority to end the telephone call or to report to security services and, if necessary, the police.