Social Model of Health research

Jaime and her baby catch up with midwife Bec, who provides antenatal and postpartum care to women enrolled in the Cornelia Program.
We explore how to address health inequities caused by the social determinants of health.
These determinants include: socioeconomic status, access to education and housing, freedom from violence, and more.

The Women’s is committed to a social model of health because we know that social and environmental factors - and not only medical problems - affect a woman’s health and wellbeing.

Language, social, cultural and spiritual support or having a place to stay; these can be just as important as medicine.

In 2023, the Social Model of Health Research Centre emerged from the existing Centre for Women’s Mental Health, to encompass a broader scope of research and to acknowledge the impact of non-medical factors upon women, babies and families.

These non-medical factors include: socioeconomic status, access to education and housing, freedom from violence, and more.

Director of Social Model of Health Clare Manning says her division’s research explores how to address health inequities caused by the social determinants of health.

“We provide a range of specialist services that provide psychosocial wrap-around care,” Ms Manning said.

“We seek to understand the impacts of social factors upon the health and access outcomes for women, particularly women who are experiencing a range of disadvantage.”

The Social Model of Health division collaborates on research with colleagues from other research centres at the Women’s, including those working in Allied Health Research and Family Violence Prevention.