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Donor support means we can expedite the purchase of new cutting-edge medical technologies for our theatres and wards, improving our clinical care and enhancing our staff capabilities.

Reclining chairs

Quantity required: multiple
Investment: $2,626

A recliner allows parents and babies to have skin-to-skin bonding and special moments together in our Newborn Intensive Care Unit.

Blood sugar monitor

Quantity: 2
Investment: $26,592 each

Blood sugar levels in newborn babies are a vital indicator of health. Too high may mean infection or heart failure, too low may result in brain damage. Our maternity team need two dedicated portable blood glucose monitors to provide immediate care for babies, and keep mother and baby together.

Safe sleeping pods (Pēpi-Pods)

Quantity: 200 pods per year
Investment:  $195 per pod

The ‘First Days’ Pēpi-Pods are small, plastic tubs that are purpose-built to create a safe sleep place for infants who are at increased risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI). 

Pods will be given to vulnerable and disadvantaged women to keep their babies closer and safer in their first few weeks of life.
