Violent relationships

Violence and abuse can make you feel helpless by disconnecting you from society, family and friends and by making you feel that the violence is deserved.

However, help and support are available to help you overcome these feelings and get back in control.

On this page:

Escaping a violent relationship

If you are in need of immediate assistance, please call:

  • 000 (police) 


If you need help after a sexual assault:

  • within 14 days, call the Sexual Assault Crisis Line at 8345 3494
  • after 14 days, call the Sexual Assault Crisis Line at 1800 806 292.

Many women are forced into crisis before they seek help for family violence because of:

  • the fear of retaliation from the person who makes them feel afraid
  • community tolerance of violence
  • a lack of information or knowledge of services
  • a lack of protection from police or the courts
  • language barriers
  • insecure or low income
  • the loss of family or community.


Facts about violence

Global statistics: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), violence is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, affecting millions of individuals every year.

Types of violence: Violence can be categorized into various forms, including physical violence, emotional or psychological violence, sexual violence, and structural violence, which refers to systemic inequalities that harm individuals. People may also experience coercive control and reproductive violence. 

Impact on health: Violence has severe physical and mental health consequences. Survivors often experience long-term health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and increased risk of chronic diseases.

Youth and violence: Young people, particularly males aged 15-24, are disproportionately affected by violence, both as victims and perpetrators. Early intervention and education are crucial in addressing this issue.

Economic cost: The economic impact of violence is substantial, costing countries billions annually in healthcare, criminal justice, and lost productivity.

Preventive measures: Effective strategies for preventing violence include education, community engagement, conflict resolution programs, and policies that address underlying social determinants.

Domestic violence: A significant portion of violence occurs within the home. According to WHO, about 1 in 3 women globally have experienced physical or sexual violence.

Cultural factors: Social norms and cultural beliefs can contribute to violence, often perpetuating cycles of abuse and aggression within communities.

Role of media: Exposure to violent media can influence attitudes and behaviours, particularly among children and adolescents, although the relationship is complex and influenced by multiple factors.


Helping someone in a violent relationship

If you are concerned about someone that may be in a family violence relationship, there are several ways to offer support and help. Showing empathy and understanding, while encouraging the person to access appropriate resources, is critical. Family violence situations are complex, and ensuring the person feels supported without pressure is key to helping them navigate their options safely:

  1. Encourage seeking professional support: Encourage the person to contact local family violence services such as The Orange Door for expert support. Services such as 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) provide confidential counselling and information about available options. 
  2. Provide information on support services: Offer information about support organisations like Safe Steps (1800 015 188) and the Orange Door, which offer safety planning, legal advice, and refuge services.
  3. Respect their autonomy: It’s important to listen without judgment and let the person make their own decisions. Leaving an abusive relationship can be complex and dangerous, so it’s essential to respect their choices while offering support.
  4. Safety planning: Help the person develop a safety plan. This may include identifying a safe place to go such as a neighbour or local shops, keeping emergency contacts accessible, having a taxi voucher on hand and accessible, and preparing a bag with essential items (e.g., identification, medication).
  5. Encourage legal support: Inform them about their legal rights, including the possibility of obtaining an intervention order (also known as a protection order), which can legally prevent the abuser from contacting them.
  6. Help with emergency services: If the person is in immediate danger, encourage them to call 000 for emergency assistance. Police and emergency services can intervene to ensure safety.
  7. Maintain confidentiality: Ensure that any actions you take to assist them are done with confidentiality and respect for their privacy.
  8. Support in talking to others: If they are open to it, offer to accompany them to talk to a trusted person, such as a counsellor, lawyer, or health professional, to explore their options further.



Most people do not know about violence-related support services until they need them. Below is the phone number for the national sexual assault and family violence counselling service, plus websites for more information about services and support.

  • 1800 RESPECT (1800 7377 328) is the national phone line for the National Sexual Assault and Family Violence Service. This service maintains a database of statewide and regional domestic violence and sexual assault services, plus services specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and culturally and linguistically diverse women. Interpreters are provided.
  • The Safe and Equal website has information, resources and stories about all aspects of family violence.
  • Women’s Health Goulburn East report ‘A Powerful Journey’ about women’s stories of leaving a violent partner:
  • What's OK at home is a website with information for young people experiencing family violence:
  • Kids Helpline is a free, private and confidential telephone and online (web and email) counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25. Call 1800 55 1800 or see the website for more information:
  • Community legal services are available all around Australia, including specialist family violence services and services for Aboriginal women. This website provides information about the work of community legal services and a map to find your closest service:



The Women’s does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or use of such information or advice) which is provided on the Website or incorporated into it by reference. The Women’s provide this information on the understanding that all persons accessing it take responsibility for assessing its relevance and accuracy. Women are encouraged to discuss their health needs with a health practitioner. If you have concerns about your health, you should seek advice from your health care provider or if you require urgent care you should go to the nearest Emergency Dept.