Eligibility and schedule of care

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Women who undertake shared maternity care will see their shared maternity care affiliate for most of their antenatal care.


Shared maternity care is usually restricted to low risk pregnancies. However, on occasions, a woman who does not have a low risk pregnancy is still able to undertake shared care with enhanced care (called modified shared maternity care), with individual care plans developed by a hospital obstetrician.

Schedule of care 

The birth of the baby and immediate postnatal care occurs at the Women’s. Doctor visits, blood tests and ultrasounds performed outside either the hospital or one of our community clinics may incur a fee.

The patient information sheet on Shared Maternity Care at the Women's provides general information for women and includes the schedule of visits. The schedule may vary according to individual needs. These documents can be downloaded and printed for patients. Jump to: Downloads and Related Topics.

​​Due to the COVID-19 outbreak the Women's has updated the information sheet in line with health and safety precautions and hospital policy. To reflect the needs of our patients we have created the following Schedule of Visits for women attending our hospital:

  • ​Information for women who are Rh Positive
  • ​Information for ​women who are Rh Negative
  • ​Information for ​women who have had a previous caesarean.