The vaginal ring sits high in the vagina and works in the same way as the Pill to prevent an egg being released each month.
The vaginal ring has in it the same two hormones that are in some types of the Pill. It is 99.7 per cent effective if it is used perfectly. Because it is not always used perfectly, nearly one in ten women (9 per cent) using a vaginal ring may still get pregnant.
The ring is placed high in the vagina and left in place for three weeks. It is removed for one week to allow you to have a regular monthly bleed. A new ring is then inserted.

It is not listed on the PBS (Pharmaceuticals Benefits Scheme).
Where to get more information
- Your local doctor (GP)
- Women’s Welcome Centre (Victoria only)
Tel: (03) 8345 3037 or 1800 442 007 (rural callers)
Information about your choices in contraception is also available in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu and Vietnamese – see Related Health Topics below
Related information
- Sexual Health Victoria for more information on contraception
- Provide feedback about the information on this page
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