Caring for your newborn baby

Now that you are at home, you may feel unsure about how to care for your baby, particularly if this is your first baby. Take time to get to know your baby and learn to understand their needs.

It can take some time to develop confidence in caring for your baby. As your confidence grows, you will become more relaxed in your role as a parent and this will help in developing a bond between you and your baby.

Watch as one video on the Women's YouTube Channel.

Bathing your baby

Bath time can be a special time for you and your baby. A warm bath for your baby can be fun for you both. It can also be a great chance for you and your baby to bond.

This video shows how to prepare for your baby’s bath and make sure that they are safe during the process. It’s important to prepare everything before undressing your baby and remember that some cleaning should be done before placing your baby into the bath.

Once you’ve washed your baby’s eyes, face and head and have cleaned them after removing their nappy, it’s time to place your baby in the bath.

The second video takes you through the steps of bathing your baby.

Your baby’s skin needs special care. Using the most appropriate products at bath time is important. It may look dry or you may have a family history of eczema, asthma or hayfever. Using the right type of products on your baby’s skin will reduce the chance of these issues becoming a problem.

If you have any questions or concerns write them down and ask your midwife or Maternal and Child Health nurse when they visit or you could call the Maternal and Child Health line.


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