Whenever you put your baby down to sleep, day or night, give them a safe place to sleep.
- Always put baby to sleep on their back.
- Baby should sleep in their own cot, in your room, for the first twelve months.
- No soft or puffy bedding and don’t use pillows.
- Make sure baby’s face and head are uncovered.
- Use a firm mattress that fits your baby’s cot.
- The cot should meet Australian Standards.
- Give baby a smoke-free environment before and after the birth.
- Never put your baby to sleep in your bed. The risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or a sleeping accident is much higher when your baby has been exposed to drugs or smoking during pregnancy.
- Breastfeed if you can
- If you plan to use drugs and alcohol always make sure there is an adult, who is not affected by alcohol or drugs, available to care for your baby.
- Make sure that others caring for your baby know how to provide your baby with a safe environment.
- For information and support, talk to your midwife, health worker or doctor.

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