Position Statement - Abortion

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The Women's is a leader in women's sexual and reproductive health services and is a public provider of abortion services in Victoria. We are part of a broader health system that includes public and private providers of abortion services.

About the Women's 

Our publicly funded abortion service is an important component of our commitment to ensure women's access to safe, high-quality healthcare.

We provide priority of access to people with highly complex psychosocial needs, including those who experience violence and reproductive coercion.

The Women’s is committed to increasing access to abortion services by building the clinical capacity and expertise of other hospitals, health services and the primary care sector to also provide abortion and contraception services. This is critical to ensure that women can access abortion services that are safe, timely and close to their home and social support networks.

The Women's Position

The Women’s is a pro-choice organisation that provides access to abortion services to support women’s choice and ability to exercise their reproductive rights.

Access to abortion is fundamental to women’s sexual and reproductive healthcare, is a human right and an important public health issue.

The Women’s is committed to providing public abortion services, as we believe that every individual – regardless of their age, gender identity, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, social class, and ability – should have access to reproductive healthcare.

The Women’s provides abortion services consistent with the Abortion Law Reform Act 2008 and supports a person’s right to access healthcare within this legal framework.

Abortion services must be provided by registered health practitioners and regulated in the same way as all other health procedures and services.

We provide support and counselling services, which is an integral part of abortion healthcare.

The Women’s strongly supports a person’s right to accurate, unbiased sexual and reproductive health information – including options counselling – to support their informed decision-making and health and wellbeing.

The Women’s is committed to preventing violence against women. We acknowledge that many women who experience reproductive coercion require timely access to abortion services.

Statement endorsed by