Gender Equality Action Plan 2022–2026
Under the Victorian Gender Equality Act 2020, all defined entities must develop and submit a Gender Equality Action Plan to the Gender Equality Commission every four years. This plan must include strategies and measures for promoting gender equality in the workplace based on the workplace gender audit results.
Download: The Women's Gender Equality Action Plan (PDF, 645 KB).

Workplace Gender Audit Results
Under the Victorian Gender Equality Act 2020, all defined entities must conduct a Workplace Gender Audit and provide a report of the results to the Gender Equality Commission. The Women’s submitted its completed audit report to the Commission on 30 November 2021 and data was published on the Commission’s website on 2 September 2022.
Download: The Women's Workplace Gender Audit Results (PDF, 261 KB).
Gender Equality Action Plan Progress Report
The Women’s is working to address drivers of gender inequality and remove barriers that limit opportunities for people based on gender. Our Gender Equality Progress Report was submitted to the Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner in February 2024 and demonstrated considerable progress.
We also recognise there is still significantly more work to be done to achieve gender equity for all our patients, workforce and community.
As at the date of this report, 23 deliverables in our Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2026 are completed or progressing, with six yet to commence. Highlights include completing a number of gender impact assessments to improve services and frameworks, implementing a new human resource information system, as well as delivering workforce initiatives that support leadership development, succession planning and flexible working. Areas for improvement include the collection of quantifiable data and strengthening governance processes.
The next priority areas of work include embedding a strong understanding of gender equity across the organisation, introducing more robust management and measurement processes, and continuing to carry out gender impact assessments to ensure our services are inclusive and accessible.
Download: The Women's Gender Equality Progress Report (Excel, 76 KB)
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Date reviewed: 14 January 2025
Date reviewed: 14 January 2025