Research Reports

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Front cover of the Women's 023 Research Report. Features collage of patients and staff across the hospital.

2023 Research Report

Our 2023 Research Report (released in 2024) is aptly named ‘The Power of Collaboration’. It reflects our work with researchers, donors, patients, staff, volunteers, partners, and regulators.

Download: The Women's 2023 Research Report

Download for mobile: Research Report 2023 (single pages)

2022 Research Report

The Women's 2022 Research Report highlights some of the top achievements and advances made by our researchers during the year.

Download: The Women's 2022 Research Report

2021 Research Report

The Women's 2021 Research Report highlights some of the top achievements and advances made by our researchers during the year.

Download: The Women's 2021 Research Report

Date reviewed: 31 July 2024

Date reviewed: 31 July 2024