Mindfulness audio series

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This audio series was developed by the clinical psychology team at the Royal Women’s Hospital. We invite you to listen and grow your skills in calming, soothing and self-compassion.


All health challenges have an emotional impact. So, it can be helpful to build our skills in calming and soothing ourselves, as well as increasing our sense of self-compassion.

These guided exercises are designed to support you in doing this. We recommend you use them as part of a regular practice of making time for yourself.

Also available: Pregnancy mindfulness audio series.

Support is available - if you are experiencing a crisis, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Triple Zero (000).

01 Managing anxious thoughts

Also available in other languages:

02 Self-compassion

Also available in other languages:

03 Brief intervention for acute anxiety/panic

Also available in other languages:


This project was made possible with support from the Smartgroup Foundation.

We also acknowledge the generous support of Steve Dobney in donating the technical expertise and studio resources for the English language recordings to be made.

Music by Grand_Project via Pixabay.