Pregnancy appointments - what to expect

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This series of videos will give you an idea of what to expect at your scheduled pregnancy appointments if you are booked at the Women's. The series also includes a short video about induction of labour.

Watch as one video on the Women's YouTube channel.

Part 1 - Initial Booking Appointment

Your first appointment is an opportunity to ask about the best approach for your care throughout your pregnancy. The appointment will be at our pregnancy clinics on the first floor of the hospital.

Part 2 - 20 Week Visit

An ultrasound scan (usually arranged by your GP) will take place at around 20-21 weeks. A routine appointment is booked with a doctor at the hospital to discuss the results of your ultrasound.

Part 3 - 26 Week Visit

Because gestational diabetes is fairly common, it is recommended that all pregnant women in Australia are tested at around the 26-28 week of their pregnancy.

Part 4 – 36 Week Visit

By about 36 weeks your baby is almost ready to be born, and you will be checked more often and have more visits to the hospital.

Part 5 – 41 Week Visit

At the Women’s, we see all women at approximately 41 weeks or one week after the due date to check on you and your baby. When you see your doctor, they will discuss the results of tests with you.

Part 6 – Induction of Labour

Induction of labour is a procedure used to stimulate uterine contractions before labour begins on its own. The most common reason is being 10 days overdue. However, this might be done earlier for the mother or baby’s well-being.