If you are visiting our website because you, or someone close to you, has sadly experienced the death of a baby, we offer our sincere condolences.
Please be aware that the information available on this webpage may be distressing to some readers.
Guiding conversations with your healthcare team when your baby dies
This guide is for parents. It has been developed to add to the information and support that you have received from your health care team before and soon after the death of your baby.
It aims to help parents explore options, think about what is most important to them, and support decisions that are best for them and for their baby. Topics covered include: preparing for your baby's birth, honouring your baby, understanding why your baby died, and leaving hospital.
Read or download the guide from Stillbirth Foundation Australia website.
Deciding if your baby should have a post-mortem examination
The death of a baby at any stage of pregnancy or following birth is devastating.
Along with the grief and overwhelming emotions, there are difficult decisions to make and things to plan for. We understand that this can be hard.
We want to provide you with clear and accurate information to help you make an informed decision that is right for you, your family, and your baby. The document below provides detailed information about the post-mortem process. Please take your time in reading this information.
Deciding if your baby should have a post-mortem examination (English) - (PDF, 185Kb)
To receive this document in other languages, scroll down to the Download and Related Topics section.
You have consented to a post-mortem examination of your baby
Your healthcare team will have discussed the options of further investigations with you.
The document below provides information about what happens after you have consented for your baby to have a post-mortem, where the examination will take place, and who to contact for more information.
Your baby's post-mortem examination (English) (PDF, 150Kb)
To receive this document in other languages, scroll down to the Download and Related Topics section.
Other resources to help you make an informed decision around post-mortem
A range of resources, including booklets and videos, are available, to help you make an informed decision on your next steps.
These resources should not replace speaking with your healthcare team. The aim is to provide you with information and help you know that you're not alone.
See resources: Red Nose Australia website.
Downloads and Related Topics
Date reviewed: 26 August 2024
Date reviewed: 26 August 2024